30 November 2013

Dr Mohammad Jawad Offers Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Wrinkles are a sign of aging which a woman specifically dreads. However a loose wrinkly skin is an inevitability of age. Modern innovations in cosmetics and reconstructive sciences have come up with a fine treatment of these wrinkles or scars which may be apparent on the face, hand or even the neck. Generally coined as PRP, it stands for Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. Evidently as the name suggests the therapy involves the injection of patient’s own platelets and fibrin in the affected wrinkled and scarred areas to improve the appearance of the...

28 November 2013

Performing Mole Excision at Nip N Tuck

Perceiving the way they look, moles can be considered marks of beauty or at times just the opposite. Some people cherish these marks while for some they are just an apparatus to destroy their appearance and look. Moles are actually the growth of cells in clusters instead of a proper and uniform spread throughout the skin. Melanocytes are the cells which take the color of the skin and due to exposure to the sun and environmental factors it adapts to a color of brown or black, hence forming moles. From the head to the toe, even on the scalp of...

27 November 2013

Nip N Tuck Offers LPG System

Management of age is an art and requires a great deal of vigilance and pro-activity. The development in the reconstructive and cosmetic surgery has displayed a continuous inclination which has shown evident results in the improvement of the aesthetics of a human body. From the face to the body LPG System has revolutionized the outlook of the human anatomy. The system works on the science of cell stimulation to regenerate, rejuvenate and revitalize...

20 November 2013

Nip n Tuck Inverted Nipples

Aesthetics and aesthetically pleasing face and body is important to most of us. Previously women were said to be extra conscious of appealing looks and a perfect body but changing and demanding times has put in pressure for the men to ensure a fine toned body and a smart presentable outlook. Inverted nipples are a common problem although not discussed commonly. The procedure for inverted nipples requires surgery under an anesthetic in which incision is made on the tissue around the nipple area which causes it to retract. Then after setting the...