12 May 2013

NipnTuck –The Connoisseur of Endermologie

Dr. Mohammad Jawad’s masterful hold on LPG products and techniques- the world leader in cellular stimulation--has simply taken cosmetic and burns repair to an unprecedented level. Endermologie-the fascinating science of cell stimulation developed by LPG is a unique, painless and non-invasive treatment initially formulated to regenerate and repair scar tissue. At NipnTuck, Endermologie is used adroitly to treat conditions like loose skin, fluid...

02 May 2013

A Safe Way to Rid yourself of Wrinkles with Dr. Jawad at NipnTuck

“Youth is wasted on the young,” said George Bernard Shaw. Perhaps Shaw meant that the abundance of vigour, optimism and beauty is wasted when one is young—all these could be better used in ones wise years. Shaw, like everyone of us, craves to turn back time. And Botulinum Toxin helps you do exactly that. Millions of patients have used Botulinum Toxin (Botox/Dysport/Azzure) successfully; it is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in...